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 Join Us 

Worship with Us

We have two services on Sundays at 11 am and 6 pm. (We occasionally change our Sunday schedule for special services so please reach out if you're planning to come by.) Services are mainly in Spanish with some occasional French.  We would love for you to join us. Please reach out if you are interested.

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Support Us

Supporting newly arriving immigrant families and building a beloved community in the family of God takes a lot of heart. It also takes tangible resources to right inequities created by systems of injustice and oppression. 

We greatly appreciate donations of clothes, toys, housewares, bicycles, technology, and furniture. We also are grateful for financial contributions to help us sustain our work.

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Become a Family Partner

Family partners accompany families through the process of learning about and navigating systems and services, building social and cultural capital, and becoming accustomed to a new culture. Family partners might spend a few hours a month supporting a newly-arrived family.

Family hosts offer space in their homes or rental properties for families without shelter. Hosting a family often leads to a lifetime relationship. Family hosts go through a background check and interview process. If you are interested in becoming a family partner or host, please reach out to us.

"There are not many moments in life like this. I feel like I mattered today."
                   -Family Partner Volunteer

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